My Message to Mom


I needed to know:

  -What makes flowers and trees grow...

  -What makes birds sing and fly...

  -What makes Nature beautiful...

  -Why all Animals great and small

   acknowledge then let go.

  -Why is there so much pain and suffering...

  -Why some children play differently than others...

  -Why some Adults took advantage of play.

  -Why you said "I know and see everything;" yet-

    Didn't acknowledge a thing...

  -What you believed in; not your children...

  -Why you speak of love, yet-

    Didn't even show it.

   I am nearing the end of my life...

   I have lived through many mistakes...

   I finally found true love and happiness,

    (through the grace of God), it wasn't too late.


      I lived, I learned, and I am still...

       absorbing all life has to send my way.

      I am in awe with each miracle

      involved in day to day structure...

      Most of all, I realized that there isn't

      anything wrong

       with a: hug

             : kiss

           an:"I Love You"

      sent with the sincerity that God meant it to be

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Patricia M. Williams's picture

Hello Linda.... This is a wonderful piece. I can see how hard it must have been for you. Thank you for reading my work, but I have to let you know that piece was written for a friend, not me. I'm very good at seeing a persons pain and understanding it. That's why I am able to write about it. My friend was suffering badly and unable to express it, so I did it for him... Again, Thank You...