Masked Emotion

I ache for your love,

I envy the wind on your lips,

I like you more than words can say.

Friends say it seems you like me too,

But then there's that one,

You told her I was like you sister.

That hurts me more than anything,

I think I would rather have heard anything else,

It seems that I can't change this feeling.

I long to tell you my feelings,

I don't wish to be crushed though,

I wish this was easier.

Maybe I could say,

'Do you feel my eyes burning into your soul?',

'Do you long for my touch like I long for yours?'.

No, I can't express my feelings,

I am an old fashioned girl,

I wait for the man.

I shall probably wait till there is no chance,

I will try to tell you,

Though I know I cannot.

For now I will treasure the moments,

When you brush my skin,

Your wonderful smell,

and your eyes reading my thoughts.

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