Your 20 year's old now dear brother
I've been with you for 18 of those years
I know we have had our ups and downs
when we were the youngest of ages
But something happened as we grew
We somehow grew closer like brothers do
I remember looking forward to coming home
just to hear one of your jokes
That can't happen now though
My brother you went to protect our Nation
from the evil other's will do to us
You've been gone over a year now, maybe two
Alot has happened since then
and I know it will be two more years since you'll come back
But I can wait for you dear brother
For I am proud of everything you have done
I strive to become something great
so maybe you'll be proud
just in the way that I am proud of you
Thank you for being here for me
and now being there for me
Stay safe
Big bro
Your are great and he is proud..