
The sunny days grow shorter,

The blue sky's mixed with gray,

Warm breezes blow more coolly,

As summer fades away;

Green treesbecome rainbows,

Browns, orsnges, yellow, reds,

The rabbits and the squirrels

Prepare their winter beds;

They gather food at morning,

And grass and twigs at noon,

To store up for the dark time,

For winter's coming soon;

And my days, too, grow shorter,

One by one, each fades away,

Into life's misty Autumn,

And my sky is mixed with gray;

And, I wonder as the days pass,

After all the words are said,

Like the rabbits and the squirrels,

Have I prepared my winter's bed;

Have I cared and loved and shown it

Throughout life's ebb and flow;

I ask, but no answers reach me

In the warmth of Autumn's glow.


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