Weekend Rendezvous

A rendezvous over the weekend,

Cheerful and gay I go.

Wish of brightness and colour,

prepare a gift of flowers.

We had fun, we had joy,

Sustainance of laughter, body and soul.

Comes the parting of ways,

deep inside my heart says nay.

Sad to leave and go,

even though I didn't say so.

Would it be, could it be,

love has come and visited the heart.

A nagging feeling, bothering thought,

does she feel the same or not?

Forget the ambiguities and doubts,

share with her one's sincere thoughts.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Wrote this on a Monday morning filled with blues. On hindsight, it is not a good work; very raw and lacks rhythm and heart. But it's something composed on the spur of the moment within 15 mins or so and I like them "unplugged" and unedited.

Dedicated to the leading lady of the poem. She knows who she is...

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