Here I am,
thinking about what I've been through.
Ain't life rough?
Sitting in the darkside of a lonely room,
which is now a sweet friend.
Looks like this lonely place,
is the only place where I belong.
Filled with lots of tears and dark sadness.
That's left alone for years.
Therefore got dusty,
just like you left me,
ruined my mascara,
which made me dirty and dusty.
Dust is the 'tears' and dark is the 'sadness'.
So, don't I belong to this lonely place?
It makes me feel better
that I am not alone to be alone.
You promised to never leave me.
This place also got promised,
to be never left,
But now it's left and cries out the dust.
This sweet friend shared many things with me.
I breathe, the air,
and get the smell of loneliness.
When it shares, its tears fade away,
a little.
Will I ever remove this dark sadness?
Only you can do that,
with the lights you've got,
that shine all the time.
If I would call up the past you in present,
past you would be like,
"I can feel you girl, I can feel you."
You could feel me.
Looking forward to more....... my dear Priya
Welcome to the wonderful site
Where none ever fight
Many a poet has inward sight
Loners always take quick flight
With these words strike the light
May your pen glow in the dark night
Loneliness'll vanish with words bite
See and feel my dear girl
Set your mind in a whirl
Convey my wishes to your young poet friend
May you both begin setting a new trend
On love and nature the favoured topics
Hatred,disbelief,rebellion another three
Break free of these and let your pen flee
Into the colourful alleys of your young mind
We old men will read and smile and unwind
Thank you Austromate for your beautiful comment ~Indimate~ I''ll be posting this as a poem
A Sad Poem.
Is this your first attempt at writing? If it is then you have done very well
I am looking forward to more of your work. Welcome to
From Bern.