Cold at my Feet

I blow my targets in a cosine mode.
Graphically connecting interiors for a sequencing show.
I move swift in this world of chaos, jealously, and worry.
I found happiness too time slow, patience no hurry.
And hypocrites, remember sabotaging symbols,
character, repetition, interoperating breaths
passing by selfishness.
Always get you on the ass like a lock jaw pit bite.
I’d put up a great fight, but fighting is for animals,
and I’ve calibrated my soul
to shine like mini diamonds.
So I don’t have to wear or do what says Simon.
I ask of you: PLEASE!
The grimmest heart soaks like marinade,
it’s inner colors pristinely rhyming.
Let’s shake down the classical bow to string, finding.
Simplicity magic on the same page is treasuring
I don’t quite care if you blend, match, or stare.
I’ve tried the complexities and held back the blare.
On the clouds, through the stars I fumble figures, why?
You think with confidence, are you any more right?
Area, a lack of hysteria minus what’s built inside,
folks don’t get along
because one looks at another wrong
and some will be wronged
like the repeating of a song.
Distracted by features of basic pheasants
we are all peah-ons
some show more than others.
I invite you to embrace your stresses
bringing strong nerves of embassies
taking your talk best
outside and losing bickering.
Some of us are trying to have a good time.
Your ego is getting in the way of it.
Oh! DRUNK well that’s excusable
shoot you in the leg
“I was drunk, I didn’t mean to”.
To hell, out of my face
with your wasteful ways, lifeless place.
Step aside for a new found taste “this plate is hot”
you’ll need a towel to carry away,
and if your cold heart suffocates
into demented ways
see your existence like Gleason days.
Let me surprise you dropping skydiving boxes of love
to readers on sinner’s day.
I know you woke on the wrong side of the bed
but I still have to put up with you anyway.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

published in Glow Factory, authored by a ebook available in Kindle Store....get yours for a good weekend read

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Nice Ad for Kindle

My Kindle is buried in a closet in the bottom of the box I never open, I read too much and did not write. I write now and read poems here on occasion. Every line, the exquisite corpse - precise with poignancy ~~bp