Watch what you let come out your mouth, watch what you say, because that mess will come back and bite you in your butt one day!
Some stuff you just don’t say, you keep it to yourself; don’t infect anybody else with the negative things that you could say!
So that way when it comes back to you it will be good and positively true!
Soft and sweet words are easy to eat if you have to. It will pay to watch what you let come out your mouth since it will unquestionably have an affect on you and what you do!
Open up your third eye to see how negative words can destroy the quality or your life! So, let us put a stop to letting ours mouths do the spreading of pain and strife!
It is not what goes in the mouth that defiles the body, but it is what that comes out ya see!
Since it actually will all start with you and me to put an end to self-negativity! Consequently, what do you say? Why would ya want to be negative anyway?
I think that we can basically have wonderfully positive lives free from some negativity if only we watch what comes out our mouth very carefully.
It is fine to vent anger and frustration but once that passes we must go back to looking for beauty in life .I agree with your piece wholey and completely.