Dat don't get U what U want!
Dat don't get U what U need!
Dat don't get U what U want!
Dat don't bottah me!
U can scream & shout & roll about!
U can jump up & down & holla!
Dat don't get U what U want!
Dat don't get U what U need!
Dat don't get U what U want!
Dat don't bottah me!
U can cry stick ur finger in ur eye!
U can cry til ur eyes are red!
Dat don't get U what U want!
Dat don't get U what U need!
Dat don't get U what U want!
Dat don't bottah me!
U can cry ur self to sleep!
U can go to bed!
U better off sleep than bangin yo head!
Dat don't get U what U want!
Dat don't get U what U need!
Dat don't get U what U want!
Dat don't bottah me!
I find this funny