You May Never Forget It, But You Will Get Over It!

My Commentaries

First love! You may never forget it, but you will get over it! Young women may not be able to understand that he is only a man. We all should know, love and sex do not always go hand and hand simply because, we are only human. You may never forget it, but you will get over it!

Sex and love are as different as day and night. Times when you think it is wrong, but it is right. Sex and love should go in unison? Unfortunately, they do not always do. The sex can burn white hot, then for no reason it is not! You may never forget it, but you will get over it!

He took your love - you gave so freely. He devoured the soul of your sex lovingly so ravenously! Then, he did not stay, when his lust had its fill, he went away to play again another day. Unfortunately, he left to be with another, another woman or another brother? You thought one day you two would wed, but he wanted was take you to bed. You may never forget it, but you will get over it!

You wanted to marry him to spend the rest of you life as his wife. He did not know how to accept the depth of love you so lavished on him, you were a virginal lover surrendering up the soul of your sex. Unlimitedly you gave all you had to deliver totally unselfishly. No heights, or lows you would not reach. You were ripe for the lesson life would teach! You may never forget it, but you will get over it!

Life can take some sharp turns, sometimes you can lose, end up with the blues. That's when you pick yourself up, brush your heart off,  and roll with it or get rolled over. That is the way love and life can go at times... You better heal, and move on. Nex! You may never forget it, but you will get over it!

First love feels at times like it is so true, but there comes sometimes when love seems makes a fool out of you. Gladness when you wake, and wonder why you took all his abuse? Most likely you stood it in the name of love. Fortunately, you wake up and get your head on right, you move on from the pain and disappointment you will heal! You may never forget it, but you will get over it!

If you're real lucky, in your lifetime, you may have had many lovers, but only one, or maybe two true loves. That feel so damm good to you. They are tight, but just don't turn out quiet right! You may never forget it, but you have to mend and get over it.

For the lost love that hurt you, be thankful they had been. Lost loves taught your heart to get over them, and you might have learned to trust and love again. If you're not broken into too many pieces, you understand that life's hurts has made a stronger woman out of you, who now knows the true nature of some men. You came out of painful situations still able to feel mend and heal! Live to love again! You may never forget it, but you will get over it!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This one is for the ladies who have learned the nature of some men!  The playas they gave all their love to them, and it was not returned...

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Ruth Lovejoy's picture

oh yeah can relate, had several players in the past which is why I adore,respect,love and venerate to my heart my JOhn. Oh yeah hurts are bad but can be gotten over. You are so right in every word of this piece. HOpe the young ones take a lesson early in life.........