
I'm starting to believe

that i will never recover

i will never

be able to do it

to get you to notice me

why should i try?

will you use me after

or hold my hand

and be there

take cae of me

let me take care of you

introduce me into your world

and maybe i'll let you peek into mine

invlove me in your life

and i'll involve you in mine

just dont through me in the trash

cause my heart is still soar

so dont dont hurt it even more

please just take care of it

only if you get it

i wanna be able to trust you

but first you hev to notice me

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Hey Babez, this time I actually wrote my name, figured it would be best. So i came here because i figured it was about time i returned, and I felt like reading a good poem. I know i haven't phoned you in a while but i can only do that when i have time to spear(i don't know how to spell that) like at least a half hour and i only got 15 min. or something. So I came and i read the titles to all the poems and decided to read "never" because there is this song by moving pictures off the footloose soundtrack and lately the word 'never' has been showing up, just appearing, i don't know. so i read the first 5 lines and yelled "OMG totally", no seriously it was like finally someone who understands, I've been trying to get
Morgan(heart goes here)'s attention for like ever, and yes, by the eyelocks, i know he notices me. but like he doesn't NOTICE me so that seriously sucks and, blah the way i see the poem i could seriously relate to it and it definetly made me feel better, since i've had a shitty Morgan(heart goes here) day. I'm going to put it up in my locker until he NOTICES me. oh but the true love poem will always be in my locker. ok so overall great poem that i could relate to and I loved it. made me feel good, so keep writing, and posting more poems, because i think i'm going to come more often..i think i should read more poems in general. ok so Frank sinatra rocks and I love you, jazzzi