My black mascara tears are what you long to fear death
became of me cause u got caught up into the blame game
the shame and gain disgraced my name
as the daggers of cane ripped at my skin full of sin
my blood covered the floor forever more sending
me to be a cursed victum dead to this earth
crows feast upon my sagging flesh for it
is the best dish to plague this earth
My brittle bones were never really my own
death became of me , scared with diease and
dieing from pain and misery with no hope to cope .
A bitter no one who would never make it to be someone
All ways forgotten about and used
and abused to be your toren up refugee
scrapped and displaced a lingering spirit freed ,
But still not complete for it is my revenge against
you that I long to seek to make my afterlife complete .
i really like this one <3 Mel
beautiful work