* Lamar The Piano Player , Story *

* Story Time *

   Lamar The piano player first started off being

                 hooked to the beautiful

          white & gold piano in the grand hall

             way down into the country roads


          Lamar was   listening and jamming to

               the notes struck on the piano

                he never wanted to go home

       Lamar would get dragged by his ear by his mommy

              kicking and screaming and crying

           and wineing to listen to one more song

      until later on way past the quarter of nine

           Lamar dreamed of growning up and

          playing in front of thousands of people

    his sweet and parents saw how dedicated  that he was

      to learn how to play the notes of the  piano


       He got a small summer job delivering papers .

        in into the late evening with enough money

   to sign up for piano lessons he achieved that much ,

Lamar was so gratefull & thankfull that God had blessed

him with the strength to carry all of those heavy papers

    and with enough money to get the piano lessons .

Lamar went to down to Mrs Bookers house to pay the piano

lesson fee Lamar was so small for a 6 year old wanting to

  learn how to play the piano Mrs Booker took the piano

fee and Lamar sit down at the piano  Mrs Booker struck a

few notes and she told Lamar to repeat the notes with ease

instead of all the notes that Mrs Booker wanted & played .

Lamar notes flowed out wroung and stroung but Lamar refused

to give up every day lamar came back for his piano lessons

Mrs Booker just shook her head and said why did i get myself

          into teaching him in the first place .

  Lamar music notes and piano playing  is a disgrace  to

all of my other star pupils that i have taught in my past

one evening  before Lamar lefted Mrs Booker  told Lamar

  about his  Graduation Recital his mastetpiece that

    He had   to  perform out load to the whole town .

  Mrs Booker noticed that Lamar was trying to do right so

  she told him to pratice until the music notes flowed

beautifully off of the piano keyboard soaring thru the air

like butterflies and birds flying to his masterpiece jams .

Lamar returned home that night from his piano practice

Lamars mom got sick & could not recover from her illness

& she dieded that night the day of his Graduation Recital ,

was scheduled to be , Lamar didnt call Mrs booker and tell

her that he could not perform at his  Graduation Recital .

Lamar was determined not to give up he sucked up all of his

tears that because Lamars mom told Lamar to never give up

upon his rising dreams ,to play songs for the people of the


                         world ,

Lamar showed up at the Graduation Recital that late evening

he was the last of Mrs Bookers students pupils to perform

  right after Alica Keys shiny & wonderfull performance  ,

Lamar walked upon the stage & set down at the Piano to play

the masterpiece that Mrs Booker had asked  him to play

Lamar struck the notes on the piano and the music notes

Blowed off the piano in to the right keys for everyone

to see and believe so shocked and so suprised Mrs Booker

  s mouth and tounge flapped down in front of everyone

as Lamar finished his masterpiece verse without even

     a person to sneeze in the whole entire room ,

             The whole room and Mrs Booker

          applauded for him to give an encore

    and Mrs booker asked Lamar in secret where did he

learn how to play like that ? Lamar said to Mrs Booker

and smiled up at her with tears rolling down from his eyes

       my mom died of cancer last night and my moms

last request and prayer was for me to play the piano right

    & her spirit will guide my fingers right across

        the key board to play songs with her


  Lamar had felt his mommys spirit there at the Recital

  Lamar Mommy was so very proud of her baby forever more ,

  Mrs Booker & Mrs Alica Keys was so proud of Lamar for

                  his great performance

4 weeks after Lamar Graduation Recital Lamar was killed

into the blast the war against the world of Sept 11, 2001

  He lived with his auntie , into the heart of New york

  Lamar body was never recover from the terrible accident

but Lamars  music & legacy still lives on As The worlds

Nexted Fantastic Piano Player ( Lamar Keys A Flee Of 2001 ) .

   Written By GT  . July 28 ,2005 This is about a  Piano

Player that would not give up his dreams to play the piano .

   A Wonderful Piano Player With A Good  Heart To Change

    The whole world to make it a better place to Live .




Author's Notes/Comments: 

this poem is a story is
about a Little boy named
Lamar who wanted to grow
up and learn how to play
the piano he was deteri
med to never give up his
dreams Lamar didnt care
what it took to reach
for his dreams to play
the piano Lamar beat the
odds & kept the Lord Jesus into his life to
and work hard to achieve
his dreams he never ever
gave up no matter how sick he was .or that
Lamar couldn.t do it
Lamar didnt give people
the benfifit of the Doubt about him Lamar
just worked harder at
what he had to do even
worked after HE got out
from school . to save up
enough money for his
piano lessons sweet isnt
it he just had enough .
so Lamar got the piano
lessons i love this story but it is sad at
the end terrible isnt it
but i am proud of Lamar
Working so hard to achieve his dream in the end we cant be sad
for Lamar  cause he ;*)lived it . and made it .

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Alison Sailer's picture

ooooo this one is sooo touching. :)

significance_of_2's picture

thank you for writing this piece. reading it, i could only be uplifted as Lamar pressed on and though he passed...it somehow felt like he had exactly what we all need on many levels... to be blessed and highly favored....it made my heart feel peace if only for a moment...

Purrrty verbiage is a servant