* Scars *

Broken Heart Poems

                   tears flow down my

                    face like rain

                    scars and bruises

                   spurt of blood have

                   drain and pain take

                   over my human skin .


              *  this poem is all mine  *

Author's Notes/Comments: 

this poem is a true
story and it really
happened into my life
and it took the help
of my freinds to help me
get over it and i had
to get down onto my knees
and make a dear confessio
n for God to save my life
because at that time my
life was a very big mess.
at that time it was worth
it because i am saved
christian trying to live
her life right by the
proud and honor of God

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Kate Squirrel's picture

that's a beautiful poem :)

cuddledumplin's picture

That's a very nice poem.

Daniel P.'s picture

holy crap...great poem!!!