* Rubies *

                    she is more precious

                    than rubies, and all

                     the things you may

                    desire cannot compare

                    with her . Proverbs 3:15 .

                   * this poem is not mine *

Author's Notes/Comments: 

i love this verse in
the bible because it is
so beautiful to read .
i m not the orginal artist of this verse .

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You almost had me fooled again. I click on your links to know you better through your words, thoughts, poems. I just didn't expect to see you quoting other people's works. It would be easier for me to see you quoting if you'd use quotation marks. Away from that though, I like this passage. It's wonderful to see someone who cares more about a person than materiaal possessions. I appreciate you sharing this. It shows me a lot about you, who you are, what you believe in, and your courage to expose it.