* Red Apples *

              I shop at the market

              i take my pick at serveral

              red juicy apples. i buy

              10 red juicy apples. i

              put them into a clear

              bag, i pay for my apples,

              i take them home in the

              clear bag. then i take the

              red juicy apples i wash each

              of them off with cool fresh

              clear water. then i peel each

              of the 10 red juicy apples .

              then i cut my apple into little

              pieces then i add a few spoons of

              or regular sugar then i put my

              apple pieces into a blender, and

              blend my apples into apple sauce.

              after that im done. i have made my own

            homemade tasty applesauce for me & my family

              and freinds to enjoy for a nice lunch.

                 *  this poem is all mine  *


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Babar Yousufi's picture

Yummm ... I am hungry now. Good stuff ... I love and enjoy easy to read and flowing poems like this one!

Wei Yeo's picture

Yum Yum.... maybe i should heed on your recipies... very good instructions on those recipies you've got there! Keep on writing, Who knows? I may discard all my recipie books for yours!

missmichelle's picture

A cute little story that seems reminiscent of the ways children write. Youthful.

gentle's picture

Now, this one was so delicious, it made me very hungry for a cool, crisp red apple.

loved it


Gentle is the night♥

ugonna's picture

A capturing ballad of
scenes and humane
metaphors indeed!
