"Cowboy Hat"

Hillbilly Smiles

by Jeph Johnson


You control how the crowd reacts
When you walk through that door
When you take off my cowboy hat
The whole place can't ignore
The way you put that ol' cowboy hat
On your cute little head
Says that you're unavailable,
You're my girl instead
Though my hair's messed,
I can't complain,
I've got you to take home
It's a small price I have to pay,
'Cause I forgot my comb.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

circa 1996

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This is a very good peice.I would like to share with you the Poets Library a sight dedicated to preserving and promoting the poetic art. We have much to offer fellow poets one is companionship, contests, general and specific forums for all kinds of poetry, and I am currently discussing with a publisher the possiblity of promoting poets from the library for publication. So feel free to come join us its free and I feel a wonderful place to meet new freinds. We even one of the few forums that does have a part of the sight dedicated to the cowboys poetry and there way of life.

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James Darr

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