"Teresa's Portion"

by Jeph Johnson


certain segments
(reserved for love)
in each of our lives
are fragmentations
cannot provide
time reserved
for endearment
artificially simulated
(no matter how devout)
to be superficially stimulated
I aspire to love to love
in essence,
it is lust
bartered forced acceptance,
certainly not trust
for me,
my muse,
or masturbatory mate's
counterfeit enchantment
cannot eradicate
cries close to death
within my heart
that well-up deep inside
I modify my thought process
by looking in their eyes
but I see your emerald eyes
still slicing
anxious years away
and regress to when your stare
would soak all my tears away

Author's Notes/Comments: 

for Teresa, circa 1998 

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