Yes I Will

Nervousness fills your body,

as you bend down on one knee.

So worried I’ll deny your love,

and say no to the question,

that’s been lingering in your mind.

You hesitate to ask,

but let the words flow.

And like magic they drift,

strait to my heart.

What do I say?

I wasn’t prepared.

We’re both shaking.

I want to answer,

but not to quickly,

and at the same time,

making sure not to hesitate too long.

So I say it,

with a sigh,

a tear falls from your eye.

I wipe it away,

and kiss you on the forehead.

My words echo in your mind,

for the next few days.

“Yes I will.”

~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this on 10-12-02. It's about a dream I had.

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Nicole DeLaRosa's picture

This is a very sweet poem.I have had dreams like that as well.Hopefully, that is how it would be like when someone does ask you to marry them.Then you can smile & remember the dream you had.Maybe even tell the guy that you had a dream exactally like that.