I'm Still In Love With You (song)

Verse 1:

Everywhere I look there you are.

You were my one and only shining star.

Now you’re gone and I,

well, I sit here and cry.

I don’t know what to do,

I can’t stop thinking of you.


It’s killing me inside.

My tears I can’t hide.

My heart feels the pain,

as I stand here in the rain.

My life’s purpose is gone.

How can I go on?

I don’t know what to do,

cause I’m… still in love with you.

Still in love with you.

Verse 2:

I don’t know what to say,

I still remember that day.

Was it me? was it you?

Oh what can I do?

Was it something that I didn’t say,

to make you turn around and walk away?


It’s killing me inside.

My tears I can’t hide.

My heart feels the pain,

as I stand here in the rain.

My life’s purpose is gone.

How can I go on?

I don’t know what to do,

cause I’m… still in love with you.

Still in love with you.


I’m not begging you to come back to me.

I just wanted to make you see.

That you’re always on my mind.

A love, one of a kind.

And if you’re lonely here’s what to do.

Remember that I… I’m still in love with you.


It’s killing me inside,

my tears I can’t hide.

My heart feels the pain,

as I stand here in the rain.

My life’s purpose is gone.

How can I go on?

I don’t know what to do

cause I’m.. still in love with you.

Still in love with you…


so in love with..


~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this on 10-5-02. It's about losing someone, or in my case, feeling like I had lost someone, and the pain you feel when you still love them.

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Abbie Hudson's picture

wow i get how you feel and get what you mean. its like when i just split with my boyfriend because i never saw him but for like the next week i saw him more than i did before. ironic. but i love the song and i totaly get where your coming from.

great song. wel done