Wind Talkers

June 2002 Poetry

A soul,

lost in the wind,

is heard,

on a somber day.

Gray clouds,

fill the sky,

as the souls in the wind,

speak to my heart.

They talk of trials,

they have gone through,

just like everyone else,

but somehow forgotten,

and ignored.

My heart listens,

and weeps for these wind talkers.

So sonorous,

they create a thunder

heard for miles,

and leave tear drops,

on my heart.

~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this on 6-11-02. This word was on the board at school and it sparked something in my mind to write.

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salphire5's picture

Hi Jill
This is a great poem. I really enjoyed reaading it. You do have poetic talent. I like the personification. Well done.
Keep up your writing.
F. Salphire