The Start And End Of Us

June 2002 Poetry

Before you can learn,

to love again,

you must take it slow,

your heart must mend.


You lost your love,

and your baby too.

Through a mutual friend,

I became there for you.


We talked through the night,

and became great friends.

But our attitudes changed,

before the conversation’s end.


You had feelings for me,

I didn’t feel for you.

I’m just your friend,

but your feelings grew.


You became a little upset,

when I stated I loved another.

Then later I heard the tragic news,

from your older brother.


You landed yourself in the hospital,

with slit and bleeding wrists.

And I sit and wonder what I’ve done,

rocking and shaking my fists.


People keep saying it’s not my fault,

that you tried to take your life.

But if I hadn’t told you the truth,

maybe you wouldn’t have picked up that knife.


I just wish you could have learned,

not to quickly plant the seed.

You’ll just hurt yourself more,

with a heart that still does bleed.

~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this on 6-11-02. To make a long story short, he liked me, I didn't like him the same. I found out the next day after told him how I felt, he tried to kill himself, but, stupid me, I thought it was because of me, but really it wasn't. It was a lot of things put together.

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