Dream Weaver

June 2002 Poetry

A weaver is one,

who can take threads,

of many hues,

and turn them into,

something beautiful.

They weave,

strand by strand,


by hand.

You are my dream weaver.

You’ve taken threads of joy,

threads of hope and love,

and turned them into dreams.

Weaving these intricate threads,

with your hands,

creating wondrous dreams,

of you and I,

I hope will come true.

Every night,

I can’t wait to dream,

I can’t wait to see,

what you have woven for me next.

And I love you,

my dream weaver.

~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this on 6-9-02.

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starlite_angel's picture

I really like this. Great job. Peace and love.

Sandra Davis's picture

I like this poem... Is it about my brother in law?
I like it aaaaaaaaalot.