
Chaos struck,

that September day,

when life after life,

was taken away.


Innocent people,

with places to go.

Got on their planes,

but would never show.


For these planes were driven,

into the twin towers.

And chaos rained on New York,

for hours and hours.


But through all the chaos,

love shone through.

In ordinary people,

like me and you.


For once in our lives,

we look past the color of our skin.

And realized our strength together,

in the end would help us win.


We all came together,

to lend a helping hand.

And we stick to our motto.

United We Stand!

~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this on 1-2-02. It's about 9/11

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Bruce Pickett's picture

Hey Jilly, I like this poem. It shows the true meaning to be american. Keep up the good work.