I Clench My Fists

I clench my fists,

to try and stop them,

from shaking.

But the harder I clench,

the more I shake.

I clench my fists,

to try and stop the pain,

you have caused me,

from your hurtful words.

But the harder I clench my fists,

the more my tears fall.

I clench my fists,

while rocking back and fourth,

in a chair in my room.

I close my eyes tightly.

Trying to escape,

and block out your words.

But the harder I clench my fists,

and the tighter I close my eyes,

the more I realize

where I really am,

and all the things you said,

were true.

~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this on 1-14-02.

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onelilartist's picture

Well, I don't know who said what to you, but I'm telling you right now---YOU ARE A POET. You are a writer and that is something NO ONE can take away from you.