A Young Woman's Dream

Improv 2002

A young woman’s dream,

is quietly tucked,

under her pillow.

She wishes and hopes,

more than anything,

to become a great poet.

To be known to everyone,

as a great young poet.

She wants every poem she writes,

to speak to people’s souls.

To bring a smile to their faces,

or tears to their eyes,

to drive them to do something new.

Get over their fears,

and live life in a better sense of being.

So she writes.

A young woman’s dream,

is quietly tucked,

underneath her pillow,

of dreams.

~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this on 1-8-02. It's my 97th improv.

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poetvg's picture

awesome piece

Santm Santm's picture

Ever so nice and simple.I do hope to God that the young woman's dreams come true

Lesa Gay's picture

Well, young woman, you have very wonderful dreams tucked away under your pillow! I read your biography and realize that I am very much your senior. Find a way to enjoy your high school years. I have enjoyed what I have read of you. I started writing at about your age. It has been a passion for years now. Please come and visit me when you have the chance. I love to make new friends, as you, and makes no difference the age. Keep writing. You have much to tell the world. ~Lesa~