
Unknown Date

What is life?

Were all of us meant to live?

Or be alive?

Or were all of us just mistakes,

of our so called parents lives?

What if we think,

we weren't meant to be here?

What do we do?

Do we just sit back and take,

all the crap life has to give?

Or do we down a bottle of aspirin,

to get it all over with?

If we weren't meant to be here,

then why stay?

We don't belong here.

No one cares about us.

We're mistakes right?

So why the hell should anyone care,

if we die?

~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I don't know the exact date I wrote this poem on... but I know it was written in a very depressing time in my life. I know it was during my freshman year of high school.. in my biology class when some chic pissed me off. lol

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Sandra Davis's picture

This one is a little disturbing to me but hey I liked it

Ronterro Smith's picture

I remember that other poem you wrote about that chic that pissed you off...It seems like you had written this poem after the last one because unlike the last one...this one isn't rated R...(just PG-13 maybe)