My Realistic Life

Unknown Date


drums beating,

guitars strumming.

That's what I hear as I stand here on stage.

I can hear the fans screaming at us to play more.

I can hear everything else around me,

but I cannot hear my own voice.

I know the fans can hear me,

but I cannot.

I feel alone.

Although thousands stand around me.

Sweat trickles down my face.

Like the familiar feeling of tears.

I do not want to go on,

I'm tired and worn out.

But I know I must continue.

For me, for the bands, for the fans,

and especially for my lovely family,

who I love with all my heart and soul.

Sweat trickles down my face.


drums beating,

guitars strumming,

that's all I hear as I stand here on stage.

~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I don't know exactly when I wrote this... but I do know it was May or June of 2000. I was doing a project in english on John Lennon and that was what this was about.

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John Lennon rock on!