Without You

2001 Poetry

Without you,

I cry myself to sleep.

Without you,

I feel as thought I am dead to the world.

Without you,

my heart no longer beats.

Without you,

I'm not okay.

Without you,

My tears fall like rain.

Without you,

I am worthless.

Without you,

My life would be over.

Without you,

my body shivers, longing for love.

Without you,

I've lost my way.

Without you,

it isn't worth living alone.

Without you,

life will not go on.

Without you,

who am I?

~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this on 8-10-01.

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i can relate.
this poem is incredible. Im going to print it out ASAP. take care.