Rain Drops

Each rain drop,

that falls from the sky,

is a tear that falls,

from God’s ever watching eyes.

This perfect world He created,

isn’t so perfect anymore.

All this violence,




and fighting,

isn’t what he intended.


there would be hard times,

that just teaches us,

important life lessons.

But not what’s been happening,

these days.

In the midst of a war,

tearing this world apart,

but bringing people together.

That’s the irony of it all.

God is watching over us,

and lets us know,

with each rain drop,

that falls.

~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this on 1-18-02

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Edwin Robinette's picture

Another good write Jill! I enjoyed it a lot! Yeah...He's watching us, and my guess is, he is not too happy about the whole thing! Anyway...nice one!