Windy Nights

April 2002 Poetry

Not just a gentle breeze,

floating amidst the night.

But a roaring wind,

blows outside my window.

The trees,

seem frantic,

with branch after branch,

waving through the air.

As if they were trying to get away from something.

On nights like these,

I wish you were here.

So you could keep me warm,

and I could feel safe,

in your arms.

Windy nights,

would be a dream come true,

because I would get,

to spend them with you.

~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this on 4-3-02.

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poetvg's picture

beautiful work
on this one
i wish i had wrote it ;*)

Sandra Davis's picture

goodness of writings from you.. like i do