Enough To Make A Grown Man Cry

Standing by her side

Appointment after appointment


Driving late night to get a smoothy is where he should be


Missing the heart beat would be a great disappointment

Hearing it would be forever etched in his heart like cement


Every chance that's given,

hands placed on her swollen abdoman

aughing over every movement


Can't wait to see what their genes together has to present


Months gone by

It's time

The pain has started in her back

Gotta get her to the hospital in tact



Unbeliveable how strong she is

Now more than ever so beautiful



Standing by her side

Here he is

Loud and strong

Nothing has gone wrong


A sence of calm from my fears

Eyes filled up with tears

What an impact a tiny person can be

I didn't think it could happen to me


So many emotions inside


The birth of a baby

is enough to make a

grown man cry

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Just thinking what a man could posiably be thinking at the birth of their child....boy or girl and they (the father) cries

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Karyn Indursky's picture

Other than 2 spelling mistakes, this a very good poem. You bring the reader through the all experience and let them into a man's head. You show how even the most macho man is sensitive inside when seeing the birth of his child or at least the good ones. Great write. Thanks for sharing as always.

Corey Fox's picture

so true - tears of joy!

one love Corey & co