You have been there For me for as long as I can remember
Year after year
Answearing all of my questions
Helping me with my fears
Drying up my tears
How greatful I am to thee
So many things could have happend to me
You showed me all to many things keeping me under your wings
From time to time I wonderd if you were really there or if you even cared.
My prayers seamd to go unheard
You showed me, showed me you were listening
You heard every word
You knew when to give the things I wanted and needed
Although it was not when or all I asked for you saw fit to give
When I asked fr help you always came through
Now I want to say
I know you know........
You always seam to know befor I say anything
You just have that capabilaty
Buy I will say it anyway
Thank You!!!
Thank You Allah
Thank You
i like this one
It's sweet of you to write a poem of appreciation. Alot of times we take for granted the people in our lives. We expect them to know what we're thinking, feeling, wanting. But let's face it, they're not God. They don't know. We need to tell them; whether it's orally or written or sung. Thank you for promoting it with your heart felt words.