Wanting you so bad
I gave it everything I had
My second son gone
Pregnated again
Araid of pain
Pain of the unknown
Would you be allowd to stay with me
Only in time I will see
Wanting so much to know if you were a girl or boy
Those legs you would not spread
A part of me felt dead
I wanted to know
I now know why
God had a wonderful surprise
Abeautiful baby girl
eight pounds, my heavyest
And twentyone inches long, my longest
Now nine years old
I am happy to have you
You are my funny bunny
Never knowing what is going to fly off that toung
Can't wait to see your latest dance moves
Laughing so hard when you would slip in you pretty black shoes
The songs you would sing
And the shows you would put on will forever be with me
Keep me laughing
You are a wonderful daughter
God gave me what I needed
That was you
To keep me happy
Singing and
I love you so much
MY lil funny bunny
Awww...such a sad, but happy, beautiful poem. It's sad what women endure to have that one special child. But when they do they couldn't ask for more. Children are a rare, special gem from God. It's a miracle how one semen developes into one tiny being and grows fromm not only the inside, but the out. It's mystical and wonderful. Thank you for sharing.