My Grandfather

Thoughts of him flow out of my mind

I think to my self wondering why

My grandpa was the one and only

He was the only one there, to keep me from being lonely

At night, I still lie awake as my soul weeps

he told me my heart was always for his keeps

Missing him makes things worse

Tears wont make it any better

Crying softly as i write him an eternal letter,

Who ever says the gone cannot listen to the shallow whispersof a child is wrong

It seems as if my grandfather has been gone for so long

I dream about him often, it seems to bring reality closer to me

My beautiful grandma, his wife Took a llife long haltering strife

People often say the pain will go away

But I'm beginning to think things will never be okay

I cant dwell

I cant Sob

But he is a part of me

Deep with in his loving immortal heart.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This one is about my grandfather, he died when I was 13 I miss him so much, I cant really ever put into words how much he meant to me, Recently I just lost my grandmother, after he got sick... she just went down hill and obviously found it difficult to leave with his departure in life

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