
As I sit here there's so much going on in this world.

there's talks about EDUCATION CUTS and needing money for


there's a family making funeral arrangements for a soldier

who was a P.O.W.

I wonder if that stays on the conscious of George W.

he put our soldiers there to fight his war on foreign


Its not about Nuclear weapons, to him its about Oil.

He doesn't give a damn about the lives that are taken.

Do you understand the money that he's making?

he wants to blindfold us saying its about weapons of mass


who voted for this BARBARIAN? our president is destructive.

Mr. Bush is  destroying our nation,

This man should be facing incarceration.

for every man and woman who was killed in iraq.

he lied about Saddam finding an excuse to attack.

As we sit here there's a suicide bomber going over his plan.

this all could've been avoided but our president is worst

than the Nazi and Klu Klux Klan.

the government give so much money to build weapons and spy

technology yet they still haven't found Bin Laden.

Are they doing their jobs? we should already have him.

Now how intelligent is intelligence otherwise known as the  C.I.A ?

they obviously do nothing and still get paid.

for those that believe in  our president and Government which are in conjunction.

Bush shouldn't  run this country, his brain is starting to


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"for those that believe in our president and Government which are in conjunction. Bush shouldn't run this country, his brain is starting to Malfunction."

The whole country should read those lines before November.

Peace and Blessings

HIndira's picture
