Sail Thy Poetry


Sail Thy Poetry

Karyn Indursky


Let thy poetry travel though my mind

like paradise being found by sailors

as fingers flutter over keyboard blind,

biased opinions flow through like tailors


sewing in memories of tainted truths

as a lovely quilt of poetry takes form

Precious emotions sold at kissing booths 

brushing thy skin like a butterfly storm


lipstick prints are on thine blushing pink cheeks

making hugs nestle into poems allure

Cuddling into thy warm quilted peaks

Thy sensational poetry so pure


so long as thy tides will sail their brown boats

Quilted poetry shall remain afloat

Author's Notes/Comments: 

thanks for the helping hand to finish it up Dove. Hugs 

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running_with_rabbits's picture

:) oh eyes!

:) that was so much fun! preccious emotions sold at kissing boths...I just love viewing poetry like that! I have often said I am an emotional prostetute! (and poor speller) 

Much Love


Poetic_Eyes's picture


thanks. i wanted something light and fun and a kissing booth is just that. it's not overly sensual, but a kiss on a cheek. simple and sweet is what i was aiming for. you picked up on it. hugs ashley. i'm not that great of a speller. i count on abc check and i have a site i use to help me with my rhyming. 

running_with_rabbits's picture

:) that's what we have

:) that's what we have editors for right ;)

Much Love
