Word Court


Word Court

Karyn Indursky

At thee castle I await my gray knight

who attacks with heated words slung at me
like a catapult releasing diction kites 
of explosive language stinging like bees.
At thee dungeon thou have me locked away
rendering exposure to thee insults
attacking me incessantly to stay
for jousts of word banter and I won't stay.
This damsel isn't going to crack a frown
when a prince appears upon a white horse
to sweep me into his protection crown
for he is brave navigating this course.
As long as thy prince is now our new King
this damsel will be proud to wear thine ring.
Author's Notes/Comments: 

Inspired by Ssmoothie

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a.griffiths57's picture

    Imprisoned by anothers



Imprisoned by anothers love and protected by another, I know what I would choose too. I'd choose the protector, with love comes trust and friendship too, not imprisonment. Enjoyed reading your poem, makes me think about the quality of some relationships.


