Woven Tapestry Sonnet‏

  • Woven Tapestry Sonnet‏

    Karyn Indursky

Lovely as expressions unfolding eyes

visions of plucking bouquet of flowers 

from poet's words unyielding to revise

a poem is thou blue gifted surprise

Merging from ideas into thoughts to lines

into poems making keyboards go clack

turning ordinary diction into sweet wines

pouring your poem for a welcome back.

Incorporating imagery to

reign in readers with sensory appeal

as adjustments are aligning your blue hue

horizons of mysterious revealed. 

Shall long as you wake up in the morning

thou poetry shall make it a good morning.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Inspired by Nightlight.

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nightlight1220's picture

Came out beautiful!! Your

Came out beautiful!! Your words are so true. I am honored to inspire such a talent, truly. ♥


...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "


Poetic_Eyes's picture


thanks nightlight. this was harder, more challenging write, but i pulled it off anyway. 

bishu's picture

Good morning poetry !!!

Good morning poetry !!!



Poetic_Eyes's picture


hi bishu