Hawaiian Sonnet
Karyn Indursky
Shall I compare thee voice to musical cord?
Thou voice is more like a soprano singer
talented enough to make thy record
knowing how to make your sweet notes linger.
My feet go a tap, tap, tap to each beat
dancing to your belly-dancer story
while your chorus sings off lyrical sheets
and harmony sets the stage with glory.
Thy audience demands an encore now.
Thou talent is cherished and demanded.
An elegant performance deserves bows.
Love for Hawaiian song and dance expanded.
So long as voices and dancing allure
fans will continue to return for more.
This is sometimes what
This is sometimes what entertainers abhor the most. No doubt, a negative part of the accomplishment. (demands from fans and producers..lawyers, etc.) The flow is nice and steady with this peice.
...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."
"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "
thanks for the feedback nightlight