God's Blessing Of Poetry

God's Blessing Of Poetry

Karyn Indursky

blessed are we to have 

the sun of inspiration

pouring light upon our ideas

to transform into words

painting our creativity

vividly with our paper

wearing ink of hope

blessing our hands

with the courage

to be ourselves

as faith leads us

to follow our path

of God's intentions.

blessed are we to have
the clouds of inspiration
pushing our pen
across screens of serenity
as our gifts unravel
the essence of a writer
gifted to share their 
love of not only being an observer,
but a writer who holds
your attention with imagery
intriguing your mind
until you're forced to feel,
not merely read. 
blessed are we to have
the ability to share
ourselves expressively amongst
friends, family, authors
and together we transform
into butterflies soaring the skies
of interpretations where
colors blend for there are
no right or wrong comprehensions,
but a blend of the wondrous
journeys of poetry.
blessed are we to have
our faith and hope unfolded
like a present setting right before you
to let you into our
minds, hearts, thoughts,
and the sheer beauty of our religion
binding us into a book of God's poetry 
to be appreciated, cherished, loved, explored.
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nightlight1220's picture

Beautifully written. Thank

Beautifully written. Thank you for the reminder!!


...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "


Poetic_Eyes's picture


thanks nightlight and beavis. hugs and a hug goes out to dove too.

Beavis's picture

