Tribute To My Friendships

Tribute To My Friendships

Karyn Indursky
I value your friendship
like an artist treasures palettes.
Blessed am I 
to have friends to turn to.
I cherish your friendship
like a charm.
Lucky am I 
to have friends who truly care.
I treasure your friendship
like flowers opening their buds.
Grateful am I to have poetry
to bring us together.
I appreciate your friendship
like a poet/poetess values their muse.
Appreciative I am 
to have "true" friends
and from the bottom of my heart...
Thank you for your friendship.
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nightlight1220's picture

You are lucky....and never

You are lucky....and never forget THEY are lucky as well.


...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "


Poetic_Eyes's picture


hi night.  i am lucky to have some amazing friends, but they're very lucky to have me as well.