Emotion Meter

You can't control your feelings, but you can inquire who and what causes you to feel that way. Turn your words, actions, and goals into something positive. When you've met your goals: recognize it, praise, and use positive reinforcement.
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Hi Catty Eyes

Hi Catty Eyes.More than 2000 posts to your credit.Wow! I thumbed into your post after a good friend of mine (on this site) wrote something referring to you.But Pyes I'm too old & arrogant to heed advice. I sail,crawl,wade,swim,wobble in muck & dirt of a slushy bog till I'm too tired to think of anything. Goals ? The more I move the more I'm drawn into quicksand.When I'm sad or unhappy I cry loud or sob shedding salty water.Happiness puts a warm glow on my face.May you glow on the site forever with the grace of Almighty.
