
Karyn Indursky
Flipping through the pages of minds
with a drafters hand scribbling
their ideas into stanzas.
Paging through the chapters
of vocabulary, accenting, and invigorating
motions of essences deftly
across horizons of literature.
Flipping through pages of molded
art colorized by tonality
and with the writer's formatted
dancing attributions to decorating
a masterpiece before you is...
paged animation.
I had picture books flipping in my head. Weird too, I'm reading "Ink" Which is an awesome book by the way, go get it, and in the corner there are little animation pictures. Very creative. I love your mind. <3
"We are, Each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another." -Luciano De Crescenzo
thanks ms. ashes. hugs.