Depression's Eyes

Depression's Eyes

Depression drips from eyes 
in floods of pain 
flowing in an empty, hollow, hopeless 
feeling while your chest tightens
and it hurts to breathe. 
Depression runs through your eyes
 while people gang up on you 
with bullying behaviors 
while they talk to like
you're stupid and worthless. 
Depression is a black balloon 
taunting you as some say, 
"Don't give up", 
but you don't forget those
who tell you, 
"I don't give a ship 
and it's not my problem." 
Depression is a nightmare 
and then you're supposed
to fight other medical problems
while you stand alone, 
suffer inside and try not 
to take it personally. 
Black roses wither
with dark emotions clouding 
depression's skies.


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SSmoothie's picture

Such a good description of it

Such a good description of it it makes me shudder... Well written! Hugss and more hugss 

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

Poetic_Eyes's picture


hugs smoothie