Don't Take It Personally?

Don't take it personally?

Karyn Indursky 
Don't take it personally 
when you're singled out, harassed, discriminated against. 
Don't take it personally
when people bruise your skin, heart, emotions 
and don't care how it effects you from in the inside out. 
Don't take it personally when you deserve 
affection, compassion, human decency and haters couldn't care less. 
Don't take it personally when you talk, and care
about most people than they do you. 
Don't take personally when writing is a coping mechanism and people don't want you
to share your essence and your love of poetry.
Don't take it personally when you should have the freedom to be yourself, bloom with friends
and let your poetry soar without fear or reservations.


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nightlight1220's picture

Maybe those same people who

Maybe those same people who do not like the things mentioned would take it personally if someone didn't want to watch football or listen to the eff bomb? I just take everything with a grain of salt these day. Takes all kinds to make a world...but the poem is good because it gets across the indignation. Nice, Karen.

...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "


Poetic_Eyes's picture


thanks for the feedback.