Iris Hearts Of Easter

Iris Hearts Of Easter

Karyn Indursky



Once upon a time

Peter Cottontail was

skipping down the bunny trail

when the Cadbury Bunny

decided to help him deliver...


Peter Cottontail dropped pieces

of brownie's leading to Hansel's and Gretel's,

where they left a deep red rose in a crystal base

sitting on their doorstep with a fudge brownie

basket holding bubblegum whistlers, smores,

a strawberry milkshake, black jelly beans,

and peppermint patty's.


Upon peach rings the Cadbury Bunny

played hopscotch to win caramel apples,

white peaches, a couple of bananas,

strawberries, grapes, and a pineapple

to make a Fruit Salad Hat with 

a robin's eggs blue basket holding

miniature white vanilla bunnies, chirping peeps,

and rainbows of skittles and before the

Cadbury Bunny left he kissed the "Happy Easter

envelope with this love for his Grammy.


Peter Cottontail made a basket from

chocolate colored twigs with airhead handles

wound around the brim and inside were

decorated pastel colored eggs, jelly beans,

M&M's, a Snicker's bar, strawberry straws,

and a strawberries with cream milkshake.


Down the road of red hot dollars

Cottontail hopped, skipped, whistled

while he looked for his Mom's house

and The Cadbary Bunny met up

with him to give a poem

he'd written, a bunny inked pen, 

and two red sunflowers in a vase.

Hopping, skipping, and dancing

down Bunny Trail's Drive

the Cranberry bunny hid

G.I. Joe, Iron Man, Princess Jasmine, and Hello Kitty

eggs for the children to find

after stamping his paw print

on special eggs to give prizes.


Peter Cottontail set up a table

with raffle tickets to win prizes

of Fruit Baskets, Bouquets of Chocolate Roses,

stuffed teddy bears, jars of M&M,s and 

a Free Pic taken with Peter Cottontail

with the Cadbury bunny.


The children were delighted.

Eyes sparkled like diamonds. 

Hearts bloomed like Irish's. 

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SSmoothie's picture

It's chocolate! What's not to

It's chocolate! What's not to like? Yum! :D 

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

Poetic_Eyes's picture

wrote this for...

wrote this for my grammy. she loves easter, bunnies, and candy.