As an extrovert, im very open
But there is something i hide
And only tell people who deserve it
And earned my trust
Who i know wont judge me
I can't even tell my mom
She judges me all the time
Well... i struggle with my weight
Its a weird eating disirder
Not Bulimia, nor Anorexia
It's a mix of them both
The name, it's long
EDNOS for short
Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified
It started when i was a teen
When i partied alot
Struggled to fit in
And started using weed and drugs
And drinking on top of it all
I would eat so much i threw up
Or i wouldn't eat
Because i was scared
Scared i would throw up
There was never an in between
I always believed in Go Big
Or go the hell home
I flucuated with my weight
Used to be athletic, fit
Or i was obese or "overweight"
To this day i struggle to love
To Love myself, my curves
And everything about myself
All i wanted wa sto fit in
It was either go out and party
Meet people and have a blast
Or be alone, a hermit
staying away from an influence
My past is my past
Im still struggling
Fighting urges, fighting my mind
But I'm slowly learning to Love
Love myself
And everything about me
Thank you for sharing. It
Thank you for sharing. It isn't easy, loving yourself. No matter how well you're doing if you look long enough or hard enough there's always something there you don't like, and for some of us it isn't hard at all. I hope you're doing better and that you continue to do well. Best of luck.
Long days and pleasant nights