I'm looking for a quick way,
To copy down, what they say.
I've tried the tape and erase,
But batteries are lots, I find these days.
I've tried the pencil and the pad,
But good thick lead ain't easily had.
And always needing to have a rubber,
Can really be an awful bugger.
Laying 'em down, for a scan,
Does sometimes get right out of hand,
As it spills quite slowly on' the screen,
And makes corection a pursuant dream.
But firsts I mist get me a handful of notes,
With text and nimbers and highlighted quotes,
So I mest makes me take a book,
So I dint go thar fer jest me looks,
Entrusted withs a post o' pens,
I'll crooks meh ear and redee the lends.
And ef I find it can't be read,
I'll sink my teeth and sift my head,
For a lil' bit of sleepy verse,
That tho's I might miss-it, it might just work.
© R.H.Elliott 2003
One could interpret this in numerous ways, which is why I love it. There's a sense of a worried writer, but your comment at the end does make sense...
School days
School days!!!
Ah the memories of hanging on every word said in that classroom without falling asleep & of course, trying to write as fast as you can...then being able to decifer that mess after the rush is over.
Gentle is the night♥