The wisdom of this world
Speaks always on this wise,
Denying Christ as Lord
It speaketh many lies.
The wisdom of this world
Is but foolishness with God;
It snares all the ungodly
And becomes their chastening rod.

The wisdom of this world
Laughs at the blooded ROD
It can never understand
That Yeshua messiah is Mighty God.
The wisdom of this world
Is the gnosis it can get
The wisdom of this world
Has Satan as it's master yet!

1 Corinthians 1:18-24; 3:18-21

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This poem is so true. The wisdom of this
word is ruled by satan. The youth today
is like zombies. Most are from broken
homes. Parents are both on drugs. The
kids are running wild. (most kids only
have one parent.) It is a sad situation
ruled by satan.
Very nicely written. heather

(I am in this world but not of this world.)